Happy New Year to all, in Japanese, 明けましておめでとうございます!
Since New Years is an extremely important holiday here in Japan, we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, a new year which brings good health, happiness, and success for the upcoming year.
In Japan we are in the future for those living in the Western Hemisphere, we would like to be the first to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

An exciting year ahead with the major event being the upcoming 2020 Olympics held in Tokyo. We are curious to see how the housing market, especially the investment trends after the Olympics are concluded. Will the investors trends shift more to our local market considering the 2025 World Expo and the IR location for Japan’s first legalized Casinos? Or will we continue to see investors investing in Fukuoka, Hiroshima, and Nagoya?
Exciting times ahead, but before we get to those exciting times, we hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with their families and loved ones!