For Agentsシリーズ
Failure to Fulfill the Obligation to Explain in Leaseback Contracts
Basics of Property Collateral Evaluation and the Impact of Building Age
[Points to Note After the Revision of Compensation]
For Agents不動産コンサル
Three Years Since the Legal Age Was Lowered: New Challenges Revealed by Consumer Issues Among Young People
For AgentsReal Estate Newsシリーズ不動産コンサル
The appropriateness of the property price can be judged by the rent
For AgentsReal Estate News
Why do professionals get fooled? What we can learn from “Tokyo Swindlers”
What precautions are Necessary When a Corporation is the Buyer or Seller?
Should I Learn about the Art of Directional Studies?
Renumeration Revision for “Cheap” Vacant Houses
Discriminatory Treatment and Reasonable Accommodations Becomes Obligatory
Points to note when using Online Banks/ Neobanks: Views on Special Loan Provisions
Understanding the succession obligations which are essential when brokering long-term quality housing?